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Humboldt Real-World Projects

Students benefit tremendously from experiences with real-world projects that provide opportunities to apply learning to positive changes in the world. Libraries and higher education are not lacking real-world challenges; perhaps one of the most persistent ones has been systematic assessment of learning, and one of the consistent reasons has been the added workload for doing assessment. What a perfect prospect to convert this challenge into an opportunity, and have students build a tool to help evaluate student works.

Garcia, Linda, Humboldt Real-World Projects (Internship), Tourism & Travel Project (Spring 2019)
Meighan, Reanne, Humboldt Real-World Projects (SA), Lumberjack Newspaper Digitization Project (Spring 2019)
Mellot, Adam, Humboldt Real-World Projects (SA), Lumberjack Newspaper Digitization Project (Spring 2019)
Rios, Debora, Humboldt Real-World Projects (Internship), Tourism & Travel Project (Spring 2019)
Smith, Kyle, Humboldt Real-World Projects (SA), Citing Insights (Spring 2019, Fall 2020)