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Hall of Simulation

Hall of simulation
Hall of simulation

Docent Hours Fall 2024

Mondays10:00am - 12:30pm
Tuesdays10:00am - 12:30pm
Thursdays2:00pm - 5:00pm

The Hall of Simulation has a new student docent! Please welcome Nick Consedine (Environmental Science and Management: Education and Interpretation Program '25) to the Library! Nick is available to give demonstrations and assist with technology use during our posted docent hours.

The Hall of Simulation encapsulates several of the Library's most exciting technologies, including our student-designed Augmented Reality Sandbox, Anatomage Digital Dissection Table, FAA-certified GTX Max Cessna AATD Flight Simulator, 3D Digital Herbarium touchscreen interface, Simtable interactive wildfire modelling system, and coming soon, the Digital Wall, designed by our very own ITS!

Students, faculty, staff, and community members can use all this equipment anytime in the Library. If you would like to make a reservation to use the equipment, request a demonstration, or plan an event, please contact

The Hall of Simulation is an exciting new space on the 2nd floor of the Library, offering a variety of hands-on experiences that spark curiosity and inspire learning. From soaring through the skies in an FAA flight simulator, battling digital fires on a Simtable, exploring the digital dissection table collection of five humans and 120 animals, or molding a topographic map using the student-built augmented reality sandbox, there is a unique and engaging experience for everyone. The Hall of Simulation is the perfect place to explore the adventures of learning environments that leverage simulation technologies. Research suggests that simulation-based learning can enhance knowledge retention, improve problem-solving skills, and foster a deeper understanding of complex concepts. As data visualization research tools become more dynamic and immersive, we created the digital wall as a meaningful space to collaborate and discuss data. Imagine displaying a live view of the coastal mountains from a national weather satellite in order to see current wildfires, then projecting that map on the Simtable to practice different approaches to fighting those fires. Now picture yourself flying to that location by strapping into the Library’s new state-of-the-art FAA certified flight simulator. In the Hall of Simulation there is a world of possibilities!