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Services for Community & Guests

Welcome to the Cal Poly Humboldt Library. This page describes services available to community members and guests.

In-Library Use of Materials

Community members and guests are welcome to visit the library building, use library materials while in the building, and take advantage of Guest Wireless access. The online catalog, OneSearch, provides information about library resources and is available at “Quick Search” stations on each floor.

Access to Library Computers, Licensed Databases, Wireless Network, Printing, and Internet

Library Computers

"Library Quick Search" stations provide all visitors access to the Library catalog, licensed databases, and free educational and government sites (domains .edu and .gov, respectively), but block access to most commercial Internet servers (domain .com). Printing is not available at these stations.

"Visiting Scholar" stations are available on the first floor for use with a “Visiting Scholar” pass. The Library limits "Visiting Scholar" passes to:

  • Visiting researchers from College of the Redwoods, Universities of California, and California State Universities (with proof of current affiliation)
  • Cal Poly Humboldt alumni
  • Non-emeriti faculty and staff

"Visiting Scholar" stations provide access to the Internet and licensed library databases. The "Visiting Scholar" pass is valid for six months and provides two hours of continuous or non-continuous Internet and database access every 24 hours. Apply at the first-floor Front Desk.

When computer stations in the Library are in high demand, priority use of "Visiting Scholar" stations is given to current Cal Poly Humboldt students, faculty, and staff.

Licensed Databases

The Library licenses scholarly databases that provide access to journals, ebooks, and other materials. These databases are available to library guests at "Library Quick Search" and "Visiting Scholar" stations. Remote access is restricted. The Library also maintains a listing of open access resources available to the public from on- or off-campus.

Wireless Network

The University offers free self-service Guest Wireless to campus visitors. In-person support is available at the Technology Help Desk on the south end of the first floor of the Library during Help Desk open hours.


Printing in the Library is only available to current Cal Poly Humboldt students, faculty, and staff.


Unrestricted Internet access is available through our Guest Wireless system (HSUConnect) and on "Visiting Scholar" stations with a "Visiting Scholar" pass. 

Borrowing Library Materials

Community Members

Community members living within the geographical area of the Library may check out books and other circulating materials with a Community Borrower Card, which is obtained at the Front Desk. A Community Borrower Card does not grant access to Resource Sharing (Interlibrary Loan), digital media equipment checkout, or Course Reserves checkout.

An eligible Community Borrower must:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Provide a government issued ID card
  • Provide proof of a local address
High School Students

Thank you for your interest in academics and research at the university level. The Cal Poly Humboldt Library warmly welcomes high school students who are interested in university academics and research. We make every effort to accommodate requests for library visits from our local high school educational community. Visits must be approved in advance and scheduled during an available and approved time.

Due to staffing resources, the Library is able to provide school tours and instruction on a limited basis, and requires a minimum of two weeks' notice.  We ask that high school visits are requested in support of research assignments that plan to access to Cal Poly Humboldt Library resources. Please, coordinate with Morgan Barker at (707) 826-4930 or prior to your visit.  

Local high school students participating in scheduled instructional sessions can access the Library's digital resources while on site. These resources include Internet access, subscription databases, eBooks, and more. 

Traditional library cards are not offered for visiting high school students. For these services students can access their local school campus library or the Humboldt County Library branches. 

For classes with information needs which require the use of the Special Collections and Archives, please be aware that we have limited space and staffing in that unit.  Prior arrangements need to be made with Carly Marino, Special Collections Librarian, who can be reached at (707) 826-4955 or

Other Minors

The Library does not loan materials to minors.

Mutual Use

In accordance with the CSU Systemwide Agreement on Borrowing, any CSU faculty (including emeritus), staff (including emeritus) or current students may borrow from any other CSU Library. A current CSU ID card is required for mutual use checkout.

  • CSU student library privileges are valid for the semester indicated only
  • CSU faculty and staff library privileges are valid for the academic year in which they are requested.

Fees and Service Restrictions

Fees for borrowing privileges are charged in the following amounts:

  • A fee of $5.00 will be charged to cover the cost of ID card production each time a card is produced
  • Library borrower subscriptions can be purchased
    • $40 for the first year, which includes a $5 charge for the ID card
    • $35 a year, thereafter as long as you still have your ID card
  • Students, Staff, and Faculty associated with College of the Redwoods, High School Students, and Mutual Use Borrowers are exempt from subscription costs

Loan Periods

Loan periods for books and other materials vary.