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Out Now: Migraciones de la sangre

Humboldt State University Press and Editoras Lilianet Brintrup Hertling and Gladys Ilarregui present Migraciones de la sangre: Textos de escritoras latinomericanas. 

This publication,allows ten authors, Ilarregui, Marjorie Agosín, Esther Andradi, Carolina Depetris, Ana María Dolores Huerta Jaramillo, Isabel Lipthay, Blanca López de Mariscal, Sandra Lorenzano and Nora Strejilevich, to draw the paths of blood in multiple settings: bodies, sexuality, migrants, the cultural, social and political systems of the present and the past through a collage of literary styles. The blood with its force crosses archives, trips, daily memories, places of exile and migration. To read this book is to peek into the thread of blood that emotionally draws and unites our history.

With striking art from Natalie Craig, this full color, full size book is now available on Amazon in paperback form, and on Digital Commons as a free and accessable download.